Canadian Students Loan. Many international students take out student loans to help fund their studies abroad. For Canadian students studying in the US or international students studying in Canada, we offer international student loans that can help cover up to the total cost of your education.

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Using Our Student Loan Comparison Tool
If you are a Canadian student attending school in the US or an international student studying in Canada, you can use our Loan Comparison Tool to help you compare lenders and find the loan that is best for your overseas program. Simply enter ya few details, and you will be provided with a list of lenders that will work for you. Use this tool to search, compare, and then find your student loan.

Most Canadian and international students who apply for an international student loan are required to have a cosigner. US students are not required to have a cosigner, however it can improve their chances of getting approved and can also lower the interest rate. Visit our cosigner page to learn more about how to find the right person to cosign your student loan.

At an increasing number of schools loans without a cosigner are now available to qualifying students.


Cosigner Required for Most Applicants
The cosigner must be a US citizen or permanent resident, with good credit, income history and who has lived in the USA for the past 2 years. Loans without a cosigner are available to students at select colleges and universities. If you do not have a cosigner see if you’re eligible for a no cosigner loan.

What Do Our Student Loans Cover?
Canadian and international students can borrow up to the total cost of attendance, minus any other aid they receive. This sum must be verified by their school to ensure that the student loan isn’t more than the actual cost of attendance. Cost of attendance, or COA, covers expenses such as tuition, room and board, books, transportation, and other living expenses.

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Canadian Student Loan Eligibility
In order to be eligible for a student loan, students must be pursuing a degree, certificate, or license at an eligible school outside their home country, whether that’s in the United States or in Canada. Non-US citizens may be required to have a cosigner and it is recommended that US citizens have a cosigner as well to increase the likelihood of being approved for a student loan at a more favorable interest rate. CLICK HERE TO APPLY FOR LOAN

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