Do You Know You Can Become A Canadian Citizen In 1,460 Days

The country Canada is blessed with over two million beautiful lakes, notably among them is the Lake Superior (Canada’s largest lake) Lake Huron, Great Bear Lake, Lake Winnipeg, Lake Michigan.

The country boasts of the world’s longest coastline stretching a staggering 202,080 km.

With a robust economy, world-class healthcare and research-based educational model, there is no dearth of reasons why Canadian passport commands respects among nations.

The benefits of holding a Canadian passport is enormous and it is every immigrant’s dream to hold one.

However, if born in Canada, automatically the baby assumes citizenship, although this does not apply to the parents if they are not Canadian Citizens already.

Although Permanent Resident enjoy most benefits like healthcare and educational coverage and you can live and work permanently anywhere in Canada without fear, you are protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom so long as your status is legal.

I am sure you are wondering if I enjoy all these benefits as a Permanent Resident, why do I need a Canadian passport.

Well relax, grab a cold bottle of whatever tickles your fancy and read on, you will be amazed the power of the Canadian Passport.

Benefits Of Owning A Canadian Passport

You Can Vote And Be Voted For

As a Canadian Citizen, you can vote in federal elections, by-elections, and referendums. You can with your vote decide how the country is run, as a citizen voting is your civic responsibility

If you have brilliant ideas or policies that can transform the fortunes of Canada, you can vie for any of the elective positions. Before vying for political office, you have belonged to a political party that will sponsor your candidacy.

You can decide to run in municipal, provincial or federal elections. This is one of the benefits of a Canadian passport. You can affect the desired change you crave through your political position.

Your Status Is Protected

Canadian citizens do not have to worry about losing their status, unlike the Permanent Resident. Permanent Resident can lose their status if they commit an offense that is considered serious.

Travel To Most Countries Without A Visa

Would you like to travel to most countries of the world without the onerous need for Visa?
As a Canadian Citizen, you can travel to any country of the world without the need for Visa, and your Canadian Passport offers you re-entry into Canada hassle free.

More Jobs

With a Canadian Passport, you are open to more jobs, there are certain government jobs that need higher security clearance or that requires citizenship.

Applying For Canadian Citizenship

Immigrants who wish to apply for Canadian Citizenship must satisfy some basic requirements like;

Language Skills: Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in any of the two official Canadian languages.
Must Be A Permanent Resident: Applicants who wish to become citizens, must have stayed in Canada for 1,095 days out of the 5 years
Proof You Have A Legitimate Job: You will be required to fill your income tax to prove you have a legitimate job in Canada in the 5 year period.
How To Apply

Start your application by filling out the Canadian Citizen Application form
Attach necessary documents
Pay the required fee
Send your application to the CIO (Centralized Intake Office) located in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada.
If your application is approved, you will have to prepare for the written citizenship test if you are between the ages of 16 and 54.

Note: You may be required to provide fingerprints.

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